Sunday 1 May 2011

mesolazybumbum :)

Like everybody knows as a student , we have exam . Hell yeah exam always scaring me but I dont know why I dont have any mood to study . Since my sister nak kahwin and going to make preparation for the wedding , dengan nak belajar lagi . OHMAIGOD !  I really cant stand with this :( About a weeks to go , Im going to sit for my mid year exam and seriously I am not prepare at all .

I really dont want to dissapoint my parents with my bad results , but I want to make them proud with me <3 I really want to make them happy and feel lucky to have a child like me :) But I always make them feel dissapointed and maybe feel unlucky to have me :( Sorry mama , ayah , I promise to try my best :) INSYAALAAH , Amin .

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